Hey hope everyone had a great Christmas! We had a super fun/crazy week. We had a christmas conference with the entire mission it was awesome! I got to see all of my hommies and peeps that i have been around it was a blast. We got to do some fun stuff too we did skits that were hilarious, ate, opened presents, cosas asi. We had a really good time. Calling home was really fun as well. It was great to see the family and how big the kids have gotten. It is super weird how much everyone has grown! But i am glad everything is going good. Christmas eve we had to go home early and we had a little bro date and opened presents and stuff it was really fun. Thanks everyone for all of the presents! It got some great and needed stuff so thank you all so much it was a great night. Christmas day we had a big ol lunch at a members, called home, visited some peeps, and caroled/gave out gifts. It was super super fun we loved it. We found some insanely humble people and I had a really humble moment. We sang to this guy and gave him some chocolate santas. As we were walking away he called me back and gave me a hug thanking me so much for the gift. He said that he always does things for others but he never receives anything. Just how genuinely thankful and happy that tiny little gift made him. Idk it just hit me hard and was a very great moment. Whats crazy is that i almost didnt give it to him. I was saving it for some kids and he was alone so i wanted to wait till we found some little kids. But i felt like i should so ya. It is so crazy we never know the consequences of our actions. I have rode my bike by so many people and not stopped to talk to them. Who knows how many of those needed me. I think there are so many opportunities we have to really impact the lives of others but that we pass them up. We are supposed to help others always. Obviously we cant do everything but we must learn to become those that serve always and take every little opportunity that we have to serve others. I am not perfect but have changed a ton in that regard and it has made me so happy and I have no idea the impact that it has made on the lives of others. Watch the mormon message "you never know." I am so thankful to be able to serve people 100% of my time. It is such a blessing that I wish never ended but is counting down. But this principle is to be lived for all eternity and i hope that we all can live it. I know that as we do we will be more fulfilled and happy, i feel that everyday. But i love you all so much and hope you have a great new years! Prospero ano y felizidad :)
Monday, December 21, 2015
Hey ya'lls
So its been an awesome week. I got transferred which was really sad. I love my zone, apartment, and ward but things are great here as well. I am back serving in Mission just in another area. It is great coming back and seeing all of the peeps. I have seen my recent converts from here and lots of hommies from the ward. They are all super excited for me to be back so we can get some good ball going again haha. Its funny how that is the first thing all the guys brought up. But ya its great. The zone now has 34 missionaries so its like a mega zone ha. They combined two so its really big and spread out. Its super fun tho and everyone is awesome. I love them all so so much and i am excited to get to know everyone more. My new comp is Elder Velez from Sandy Utah. He is a native so thats fun. O ya i am back in spanish now. I havent been in a spanish ward for 6 months now. It is really different! And i have been pounding tortillas :( they are just so dang good haha. But nothing too crazy happened this week i have just been trying to get on top of everything with the change. O ya I got to go take all of the dead people to the airport that was super fun! This transfer my sisters all died so it was great to send them off. I love them all a ton they are great and i am super happy that they all ended so well. Also today my first DL who died in May visited and took us out to breakfast (Ethan Christiansen). I love that kid so much he is such a hommie and it was super fun to see him. He gave me the update of all the mission bros too and its crazy hearing about everyone. They are all doing super good tho so that made me happy. I love the mission it is great :) I still have 1/4 of it left too so i still got lots of time ;) anyway ya things are great and we are still truckin along. Hope everyone has a great Christmas! We will just be going around singing and giving stuff to people. We did it last year and it was the best! But i love you all. Enjoy being together :) See ya
Monday, December 14, 2015
Man this week was absolutely incredible! It was the last of the transfer and so we really tried to focus and do what we needed to so we had no regrets. We did some weird and fun stuff with the DL's to get them ready to be ZL's. They are all awesome and we love them a ton. We also had our last zone meeting and ho-rah with the zone and we had a blast! It was super fun and we were really lucky to serve with them. They have improved so so much and its been fun to be a part of it. We had a few christmas things with the conference, ward party, and stake thingy that were all really fun as well. Just so many great things happened i loved it so much. The highlight tho was definitely the baptism that we had. This kid is incredible and definitely the most prepared person i have taught. He didnt need us at all he was so ready but it was such a blessing to be a part of his conversion into the church. His testimony is so solid and he really is converted. He is 16 too so he will be a missionary soon! I got great plans for this kid ha. But his baptism was such an amazing spiritual experience! He was so nervous but after as we were changing i could just see the joy radiating from him. It was great and i asked him how he felt. He really felt everything leave and he felt completely clean. I gave him a hug and that moment i was just filled with so much joy. The spirit was so strong in there I love that kid so much! After he bore his testimony and invited his family to all get baptized too it was awesome! They will be here like the day before my birthday. Anyway it was such a joyful and really humbling experience to see him and be a part of it. I am so thankful that the Lord allowed us to be there for him. I know that the happiest moments in my life have been when i see the Lord use me as a tool in his hands. There is nothing better. I truly Love my Savior and i am so greatful to get to serve him and others as well. I hope i dont get transfered cuz our ward is the best. I have so many buddies and i just love them all so much. The zone, my comp, roomies, etc... I just absolutely love them and serving has been the best. Anyway i hope all of you experiment upon my words and go serve. I know as you do you will be filled with the spirit of the Lord and it will be the greatest. I love you all a lot have a great week!

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