Monday, April 25, 2016

Que honda mi familia

Well the countdown has began :( I cannot believe that i am on my last transfer. That is just the craziest thing ever. Your whole mission you feel like it will never end, and honestly i still feel like that, but in my head i know its almost over. I definitely dont want it to but im going to finish as strong as i possibly can. This last week we had to put transfers together which is a process. It takes a ton of work and time and planning but we got it done and it went super well so that was a satisfying feeling. Now everyone is in their areas safe and sound ready to work :) But as for us this week has been great. We got a couple helpers for this transfer so we have been using them and its been great. Also the first week of the transfer we never really have anything going on so we have just been working in our area. It has been so fun we have tons of incredible families that we are teaching and our recent converts are doing incredibly good. It is incredible the happiness that this work gives you. I absolutely love these people with all my heart and we do so much to help them accept the gospel. It is a battle but we have some real gems right now so it as been amazing! But that is really all that has been going on so far. The mission is the greatest ever! I cannot explain what a blessing it has been for me to be out here and be able to serve the Lord and the people here. I know that Jesus Christ really did resurrect and that he is alive today actively engaged in our lives and in leading his church. I know that his gospel is the pathway back to Him in the Celestial Kingdom and that it is what fills us with hope and joy here during our lives. I know that as we live and apply the gospel we will be able to learn and grow to become more like the Savior which makes us happier people. As well I know how forgiving and merciful Christ is. He really truely loves us much more then we can imagine and it doesnt matter what we have done or where we are at, He is always willing to forgive us and help us change and become stronger. Our mistakes dont matter. We are to learn and move on choosing to be better. As well being here on the mission I have learned the joy that comes as we live a consecrated life. After the mission I wont be able to keep it up as I am now but I will make plans and strive to stay as consecrated and close to my Savior as possible. I love you all so much and I hope that you too can make some minor changes to follow Him more and feel the spirit more in your lives. But I hope you all have a wonderful week :) vayan con Dios!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Well what can I say, another amazing week :) actually one of the better ones of the mission. My companion and I have been working super hard to help out the missionaries here. We both feel like we have been serving the Lord wonderfully and doing a great job but for some reason the mission hasnt been performing very well. We had been questioning ourselves "what are we doing wrong"and things like that. We are always super happy and love the work but at moments just felt a little lost. Well I know that the Savior is well aware of his children and their needs. I know that he loves us and will always help us out. The Lord really lifted us up this last week. We had our apartment inspected by the main office couple and they talked to us about lots of different things. They talked about the parable of the 3 dirts and how we all of dirt (emotional, physical, and spiritual) and how we are continually having to clean. Well they really helped us to see what the Lord is using us for and our purpose right now in our calling. It was amazing to see how the Lord is using us and it gave us so much excitement to be even better for him. Then we had our interviews with president and they were incredible! I always learn so much from that man he is the greatest and he helped us a ton. We missed the sacrament because of our interview so we asked if we could take it. So the 1st councilor of the stake presidency and a couple young men helped us out. But what was really cool was afterward as we were leaving he stopped and turned around and shared some things with us about what he sees in us. After my comp and I just talked a little bit and how the Lord has lifted us so much recently. Well during the week we saw lots of other things and right now we are feeling great. We know it wont last but the Lord is really helping us see who we are and our purpose and it has just been incredible. I love him :) 

Anyway during the week we got to travel around all the mission had have little meetings. Then we went to Laredo on Thursday for interviews and they went super well. The zones up there are great and we all learned so much from the spirit. Then we did some exchanges and came back friday. We havent touched our area all week which has been sad but we got to stop by our amazing investigator families and recent convert. They fed us and just being with them is the best. The Lord has blessed us with just the greatest people that we really dont deserve. But i am so thankful for the opportunity to be their missionaries! I love them :) Anyway things are great, i am insanely happy and the mission is just perfect. O ya and transfers are next week which means i start my final one here in a couple days...sad stuff. Anyway i love you all and hope you have a great week. Look for all the little blessings the Lord gives you, I promise they are everywhere and you will see it as your look for them. Have a great week :)

Monday, April 11, 2016


This week has been pretty crazy! Monday we had to drive up to Corpus because we had interviews with them Tuesday morning at 7. That went well we had a really good time. After we got to work with them the rest of the day and I got to see some of my old members and recent converts. It was awesome to be back. Then we went had interviews with another zone wednesday at 7 which were wonderful as well. We again worked with them after for the rest of the day and had a great time. We love going around and working with all the missionaries, its the best! Interviews went great as well. It has been wonderful for the missionaries to learn how to overcome some of the problems that we are seeing and grow. Things have been going very very well. Then we went over to Laredo to work with some other missionaries. It gets repetitive but was great. But ya that was our week we have just been driving from all ends of the mission visiting everyone and helping them out. I love being able to be used as a tool for the Lord. Seeing him use me to bless his sheep is the greatest feeling ever. I dont want it to end but I know coming home it can continue. But ya serving es lo mejor. We just got back Friday afternoon and worked in our area for the first time. It felt great to see all the peeps again. But ya sorry this one is a bit short. Everything is going almost perfectly and we have been super feliz. But I love you all and hope the week is buenisimo! Les amo :)

Monday, April 4, 2016


Well this week has been super crazy but that has made it incredibly fun! On tuesday we had interviews with Brownsville and then we did them with Mission on Wednesday and McAllen on Thursday. It was nuts we normally wouldnt have started until April but President is knocking them out. It is super nice and they interviews have been amazing. Then on thursday we had the greatest day ever. So from 7-10am we did Mcallen's interviews. Then from 10-1:30 we had our mission zone leader meeting. Then from 1:30-3:30 we had a meeting with all of the leadership in the mission. The meetings were unreal and it was just jam packed so it was awesome. Then at 6 we had a wedding! It was legit we have been teaching just the most preped people ever and they finally got to be married. It was beautiful the ward did everything. I will send pics sometime we forgot our cord today :) but after the wedding we ate. One of our favorite members made food for like 50 people all by himself. He lost his job last week and is super poor but he still made it. He used to own his own restaurant so he is a boss. But then after they got baptized! It was super great and there were a million people there supporting them. It was our first baptism going forward because she had a baby a couple weeks ago. She had a c-section so she couldnt bend back. But ya it was an insane week. And today is general conference!!! i cannot explain how much i love conference! It makes me so incredibly happy so i cannot wait for this next session to start. Anyway its getting going. I love you all so much and have a wonderful conference filled weekend! :)