Nombre this week has been insane! I still have not worked in my area all week. So monday we went up to Laredo to get ready for the zone conference on tuesday. Tuesday we had zone conference and it was incredible! One of the most spiritual meetings i have ever been to and the missionaries learned exactly what they needed to. They all realized what they needed to change and it was perfect! We didnt even give our training because it wasnt necessary so we just bore our testimonies. Also, two sisters, my comp, and I wrote a song on the drive from Corpus back to McAllen last week. We got to perform it for the first time so that was cool. We recorded it if I can i will send the recording. But it was super fun it was the first song I have written. My comp played the guitar, I played the ukulele, and we had an amazing sister sing (we helped her sing a little). Then we did exchanges the rest of the day tuesday it was super fun! Then on Wednesday we came home and I went straight to Harlingen for another exchange. Then after that I went to Brownsville for an exchange. They all three went great and we saw tons of miracles. As well our investigator family that is getting baptized this coming week finally got their marriage license so we can do that. We are super excited to throw a party for them they are the best! Then on Friday we were going to finally work in our area but we got some assignments thrown on us and we also visited a missionary in the hospital who is really struggling. It was an amazing experience to be there with him and help him out. Then Friday night we went back to Harlingen and we just got back rom having interviews with them all day. Anyway we have just been running around like crazy but it has been the greatest week! I love having so much going on and your running all over to get things done. But ya this week has been awesome :)
Really quick to share my testimony I know that the Lord is very aware of all of our needs and is always there to help us. With all of this running around We have seen so many cool miracles where the Lord has but us in the right place in the perfect time. We both just saw tons of things with other missionaries as we were able to be with them and help them. It has been the greatest feeling to be an instrument to help bless these missionaries and I know it is the same after the mission. The Lord is very aware of your problems and is always there to help us. Pray and search for help and he will send those that you need. But I love you all have an incredible week and be sure you prepare super well for conference! Love you