Well another incredible week! Which is good because it was my last one of the mission. It is crazy to hear that but asi es. It has been crazy tho. So Monday I went up to Corpus and did a three day exchange with them. It was super fun we had a great time and got a lot done to help the missionaries out. I love it up there and so that was good. Coming back tho felt incredible and seeing my companion felt super good. I havent done an exchange that long before so it felt very weird. But since being back has been so great. We have had such a great week and got so many wonderful people that we have been teaching and even found a lot of other amazingly prepared people. I have just loved being a missionary and serving. Seeing how the Lord leads and directs us to bless others is the absolute coolest and best thing ever. I am so excited to apply it to the real world and still be a great tool for him. Anyway I will see you all soon. But I just want to let you all know that I know Jesus Christ really is our savior and that he is so immensely involved in our lives and the lives of others. I know that this is His church and that we have his true gospel to the fullest and that we work through his name and the priesthood of God. I know how important it is to live the gospel and to serve those around us. This life is all about blessing others and I know people can say "well he is a missionary of course he says that." Well missionary or not that is what it is about. That is the gospel of Jesus Christ and that is the perfect example that he set for us. I am excited to apply the gospel as i start my own life. I am super sad that it is winding down. I wish I could be here so much longer I cannot explain how much I enjoy serving a mission for the Lord. But I am very excited to see you all as well. Again forgive me for being weird at first :) But I love you and I hope you have a great few days. See ya'll on wednesday!
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Saturday, May 21, 2016
I am trying to get my Wyoming lingo back ha. You might think "what are you talking about your serving in Texas?" Well actually I am not serving in Texas I am serving in Mexico so got lots of weird things about me now. Ha anyway this week was another incredible one! To start off on monday we went and got the marriage license for a family that we are teaching! They are the best we love them muchisimo! It was super fun we got some ice cream after and went shopping for our party later that night and ya. It was a super fun time they are the best. I also went on an exchange to Sinton zone and I went to the farthest northern part of the mission. It was 4 hours away from McAllen and we had an amazing time up there. I also went on another exchange to Mission zone and again it was wonderful. I love going and working with the missionaries and blessing their lives. Lets see what else...well there have been some massive rainstorms and lots of flooding. We had to send everyone home for awhile so it was pretty intense. But the crowning point of the week was the wedding last night! It was absolutely incredible. Everything came together super well and it was perfect. they looked incredible as well and seeing how happy they were it was just great. Never have I seen them so happy and we feel super blessed to have taught and help them get to this point. The wife Nuria pulled us aside at the end and told us that he always said that he would never get married again. And then she was all "look at him now" haha. We laughed it was hilarious the way she said it. But she thanked us and it is so cool to see how the Lord really can change us and our hearts. They will be getting baptized on Sunday so that will be super wonderful! But ya that was the week. They just keep on getting better! I got one more left so we will see what happens but ya. Anyway I love you all so much and I am insanely excited to see you all again. It has been so long! I want to apologize in advance I know I will be weird and maybe not what you are expecting from me but...its what the Lord did to me so get over it ;) haha love you and have a great week!
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Bueno! :)
Man I had another insane and awesome week! This week we had a meeting called 3 day. So tuesday-thursday all the leadership met together with president from 8-4. Then after we went and worked together in our areas. It was super fun! 3 day is always a blast because you get to see all of your peeps and it is always an incredible meeting. Our mission president is amazing I love him so much. As well it was our last 3 day with him and obviously my last as well. I got to bear my dying testimony to everyone and it was wonderful. As well we had a very epic ending because it was the last one. It couldnt have been better!
After we went on an exchange up in Laredo. It was super good I got to work with one of my former companions elder Chamberlin and we had a really good time together. I love that kid so much he is wonderful. We did lots of service including helping a guy unload a ton of stuff for his place at the flee market (he had trailers full) and we helped a poor struggling family with the help of habitat for humanity which I used to raise money for them so that was cool. But ya it was just an amazing week as always. It is shocking to me that I only have two more weeks left. It still hasnt hit and I dont feel any different but I know at sometime it will hit me hard. Anyway I am just enjoying the mission more than I ever have and using my time the best that I can.
Serving the Lord is the greatest. I am so excited to come home and continue to serve him in different capacities. It is going to be wonderful. But I love you all so much and I hope you have amazing weeks :)
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Another week down!
Well I got to make this one quick but it was an amazing week. We did a couple awesome exchanges! They both were super fun and we got to stay in our area so that was nice. For one of them I was with a superstar and it just happened to be our ward mothers day party and he put on a show it was incredible! But ya we had another good hard working week and got a lot done. It was a lot of week of reflection as well and we learned a lot. But ya things are going great with our investigators and the missionaries and everything. For mothers day we drove up to Laredo then I came back and called home which was fun. Then we just drove around and sang to as many mothers as possible before going home. It was fun! And ya calling home was super great to see everyone. It is crazy the differences in two years! But another wonderful week! Hope you mothers had a great day :) Love you
Monday, May 2, 2016
Hey so I have to be quick but this week was awesome!
So to start off...Elder Holland came to our mission!!! We had to keep it quite but ya. It was so cool to meet him and interact with him a bit. Idk just seeing him was awesome he is the greatest man and everyones favorite ha. He was definitely very intense with us but he did nothing but compliment us as missionaries and our mission. It was the coolest experience i will definitely never forget it. He came with Elder Robbins who is amazing as well.
After I went to Corpus and worked up there for a couple days. It was a blast it could not have been a better trip we loved it. Then I came back and we went to Brownsville. I stayed and worked in McAllen but we had to go to Brownsville a couple times. Then on Friday we had to go to Corpus again because my son in the mission Elder Garlitz got hit by a car a awhile ago and we needed to get the police report. It was super fun to hangout with him again and talk about old times. I love that kid. Then we got back last night and ya. It has been super fun. We have been in our area a lot this week too so that has been nice. We have so many amazing families right now we both feel so blessed. But ya things are great! Sorry its short but I just wanted to make you all jealous with Elder Holland coming ;) have a great week!
Monday, April 25, 2016
Que honda mi familia
Well the countdown has began :( I cannot believe that i am on my last transfer. That is just the craziest thing ever. Your whole mission you feel like it will never end, and honestly i still feel like that, but in my head i know its almost over. I definitely dont want it to but im going to finish as strong as i possibly can. This last week we had to put transfers together which is a process. It takes a ton of work and time and planning but we got it done and it went super well so that was a satisfying feeling. Now everyone is in their areas safe and sound ready to work :) But as for us this week has been great. We got a couple helpers for this transfer so we have been using them and its been great. Also the first week of the transfer we never really have anything going on so we have just been working in our area. It has been so fun we have tons of incredible families that we are teaching and our recent converts are doing incredibly good. It is incredible the happiness that this work gives you. I absolutely love these people with all my heart and we do so much to help them accept the gospel. It is a battle but we have some real gems right now so it as been amazing! But that is really all that has been going on so far. The mission is the greatest ever! I cannot explain what a blessing it has been for me to be out here and be able to serve the Lord and the people here. I know that Jesus Christ really did resurrect and that he is alive today actively engaged in our lives and in leading his church. I know that his gospel is the pathway back to Him in the Celestial Kingdom and that it is what fills us with hope and joy here during our lives. I know that as we live and apply the gospel we will be able to learn and grow to become more like the Savior which makes us happier people. As well I know how forgiving and merciful Christ is. He really truely loves us much more then we can imagine and it doesnt matter what we have done or where we are at, He is always willing to forgive us and help us change and become stronger. Our mistakes dont matter. We are to learn and move on choosing to be better. As well being here on the mission I have learned the joy that comes as we live a consecrated life. After the mission I wont be able to keep it up as I am now but I will make plans and strive to stay as consecrated and close to my Savior as possible. I love you all so much and I hope that you too can make some minor changes to follow Him more and feel the spirit more in your lives. But I hope you all have a wonderful week :) vayan con Dios!
Monday, April 18, 2016
Well what can I say, another amazing week :) actually one of the better ones of the mission. My companion and I have been working super hard to help out the missionaries here. We both feel like we have been serving the Lord wonderfully and doing a great job but for some reason the mission hasnt been performing very well. We had been questioning ourselves "what are we doing wrong"and things like that. We are always super happy and love the work but at moments just felt a little lost. Well I know that the Savior is well aware of his children and their needs. I know that he loves us and will always help us out. The Lord really lifted us up this last week. We had our apartment inspected by the main office couple and they talked to us about lots of different things. They talked about the parable of the 3 dirts and how we all of dirt (emotional, physical, and spiritual) and how we are continually having to clean. Well they really helped us to see what the Lord is using us for and our purpose right now in our calling. It was amazing to see how the Lord is using us and it gave us so much excitement to be even better for him. Then we had our interviews with president and they were incredible! I always learn so much from that man he is the greatest and he helped us a ton. We missed the sacrament because of our interview so we asked if we could take it. So the 1st councilor of the stake presidency and a couple young men helped us out. But what was really cool was afterward as we were leaving he stopped and turned around and shared some things with us about what he sees in us. After my comp and I just talked a little bit and how the Lord has lifted us so much recently. Well during the week we saw lots of other things and right now we are feeling great. We know it wont last but the Lord is really helping us see who we are and our purpose and it has just been incredible. I love him :)
Anyway during the week we got to travel around all the mission had have little meetings. Then we went to Laredo on Thursday for interviews and they went super well. The zones up there are great and we all learned so much from the spirit. Then we did some exchanges and came back friday. We havent touched our area all week which has been sad but we got to stop by our amazing investigator families and recent convert. They fed us and just being with them is the best. The Lord has blessed us with just the greatest people that we really dont deserve. But i am so thankful for the opportunity to be their missionaries! I love them :) Anyway things are great, i am insanely happy and the mission is just perfect. O ya and transfers are next week which means i start my final one here in a couple days...sad stuff. Anyway i love you all and hope you have a great week. Look for all the little blessings the Lord gives you, I promise they are everywhere and you will see it as your look for them. Have a great week :)
Monday, April 11, 2016
This week has been pretty crazy! Monday we had to drive up to Corpus because we had interviews with them Tuesday morning at 7. That went well we had a really good time. After we got to work with them the rest of the day and I got to see some of my old members and recent converts. It was awesome to be back. Then we went had interviews with another zone wednesday at 7 which were wonderful as well. We again worked with them after for the rest of the day and had a great time. We love going around and working with all the missionaries, its the best! Interviews went great as well. It has been wonderful for the missionaries to learn how to overcome some of the problems that we are seeing and grow. Things have been going very very well. Then we went over to Laredo to work with some other missionaries. It gets repetitive but again...it was great. But ya that was our week we have just been driving from all ends of the mission visiting everyone and helping them out. I love being able to be used as a tool for the Lord. Seeing him use me to bless his sheep is the greatest feeling ever. I dont want it to end but I know coming home it can continue. But ya serving es lo mejor. We just got back Friday afternoon and worked in our area for the first time. It felt great to see all the peeps again. But ya sorry this one is a bit short. Everything is going almost perfectly and we have been super feliz. But I love you all and hope the week is buenisimo! Les amo :)
Monday, April 4, 2016
Monday, March 28, 2016
Nombre this week has been insane! I still have not worked in my area all week. So monday we went up to Laredo to get ready for the zone conference on tuesday. Tuesday we had zone conference and it was incredible! One of the most spiritual meetings i have ever been to and the missionaries learned exactly what they needed to. They all realized what they needed to change and it was perfect! We didnt even give our training because it wasnt necessary so we just bore our testimonies. Also, two sisters, my comp, and I wrote a song on the drive from Corpus back to McAllen last week. We got to perform it for the first time so that was cool. We recorded it if I can i will send the recording. But it was super fun it was the first song I have written. My comp played the guitar, I played the ukulele, and we had an amazing sister sing (we helped her sing a little). Then we did exchanges the rest of the day tuesday it was super fun! Then on Wednesday we came home and I went straight to Harlingen for another exchange. Then after that I went to Brownsville for an exchange. They all three went great and we saw tons of miracles. As well our investigator family that is getting baptized this coming week finally got their marriage license so we can do that. We are super excited to throw a party for them they are the best! Then on Friday we were going to finally work in our area but we got some assignments thrown on us and we also visited a missionary in the hospital who is really struggling. It was an amazing experience to be there with him and help him out. Then Friday night we went back to Harlingen and we just got back rom having interviews with them all day. Anyway we have just been running around like crazy but it has been the greatest week! I love having so much going on and your running all over to get things done. But ya this week has been awesome :)
Really quick to share my testimony I know that the Lord is very aware of all of our needs and is always there to help us. With all of this running around We have seen so many cool miracles where the Lord has but us in the right place in the perfect time. We both just saw tons of things with other missionaries as we were able to be with them and help them. It has been the greatest feeling to be an instrument to help bless these missionaries and I know it is the same after the mission. The Lord is very aware of your problems and is always there to help us. Pray and search for help and he will send those that you need. But I love you all have an incredible week and be sure you prepare super well for conference! Love you

Monday, March 21, 2016
Howdy :)
Well this week has been super good! We have had zone conferences so we have been going all over the place. This last week the mission didn't do good and so we ran around to meet all of the leaders and see what is up. It was super good to find out everything going on and we were able to prepare super well for each conference. It has been incredible! By far the best zone conferences I remember. President has been going really hard and so have the other leaders and everyone is starting to understand now so things will improve. But it has been super fun to see everyone in the mish. I love all of the people here they are the best! But Ya thats basically been our week. Driving all over having zone conferences and doing exchanges. Its been crazy but super fun. On the way back to McAllen yesterday we wrote a song in the car. It is actually really good we like love it and cant stop singing it ha. So we will be doing that on our final conference. My comp and I have been singing at each conference to help us get over our fears. It is helping but I still dont like it. My comp Elder Ivey is doing wonderful. He is a really awesome kid I love him a lot and we are having so much fun together! But ya thats about it for this week :)
On a more spiritual note a big focus this week has been the importance of love and thats what we have been teaching. The difference between love the noun and love the verb. Or in spanish amar vs. amor. Real love is show through action and you can really feel someones love based on their actions. We all must be motivated by love and if we are we will do so much more than we could before. Christ was only able to go through the atonement because of that perfect love that he had for us. If not there is no way it ever would have happened. We must all have that love and if we dont, pray for it and serve others as an action of faith. Anyway I love you all so much and hope you have another great week in the cold ha. Take care!
Monday, March 14, 2016
Hey whats up peoples :)
I hope everyone had a great week! Mine was super nuts. We just started a new transfer and so we were doing a ton to get that all ready. We got a new batch of greenies and it was super fun to welcome them to the mission and everything. One elder came before everyone else so we pretended that I was the greenie and it wasnt till we got to presidents house that they figured it out. It was super fun tho to get to know all of them and help them get settled in. It took me back to my greenie days and I am super excited for them. They have no idea what they are getting into ha but it is the greatest! Then we had the training meetings to do and transfers and it was super fun. We had to prepare everything and it couldnt have gone any more perfect. Well maybe a little bit but it went super smooth and it felt great to get everyone out to their new areas and working again. Then we had the dead missionary party which was super fun. It was really sad to see them going home...but they all did great and will be awesome people back home. The airport is a crazy experience tho. Then we just went back to work. Yesterday we had a zone conference with a couple zones and it went incredibly well! We all learned a ton and know how to be better. We also had lots of fun and got to do a 20 minute relaxation exercise so that was legit. My companion and I are working on overcoming our fear of singing in front of others so we sang. It went really good but we were both pretty scared. Fears are such a dumb thing ha. But ya thats whats been going on with us. We also are teaching some really great people! This one family is doing incredibly well. They are reading, coming to english class, love us coming over, and have a sincere desire to be baptized. She is having her a son on tuesday so putting their name in the temple would be super cool. Its Eric and Damaris Vasquez. But ya life is great. We got lots of work to do it will be a crazy month but thats what makes serving so wonderful. We just bless the lives of everyone around us :) But I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!
P.S. Sorry I have no pictures...my comp is really into video logs and we cant send those. Sorry i'll repent ;)
Monday, March 7, 2016
Whats up fam!
Monday, February 22, 2016
Wow this week has been nuts! It was incredible though. So on monday we went bowling with one of the zones here and it was awesome. The Lord blessed us a lot cuz me and my comp did really good ha. Then on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we went on an exchange with three different zones. It was crazy we were flying around but it was super fun. I love going on exchanges you always see so many miracles and its fun to be able to bless peoples lives 1 on 1. Anyways then friday was INSANE! We had to move a ton of missionaries, take some peeps to the airport, do some mid transfer exchanges, and fix some things. It was really crazy but super fun. We love going around and doing things for the missionaries its the best. Then just this morning we had a surprise mission reunion. Elder Corbridge came and gave us such a great training! He basically talked about two things. 1) Conversion and 2) How to teach. It was awesome because it was just so simply put. He really raised all of our visions and he really helped me see clearer what my purpose is as a missionary. He talked to us what we want to do out here on our missions. The answered I had is that I just want to do what the Lord wants from me. So I loved receiving a clearer vision of what that is so I can apply it everyday! But he is a stud and it was really neat to get to know him for a bit. Anyway it was just an awesome week I have zero complaints. It couldnt have gone any better. Well we had an amazing lesson with some just incredible investigators that someone came in at the end and ruined it really bad. They are causing lots of problems but its nothing the Lord cant fix ;) But other than that it was perfect!
But something that really stood out to me this week was the spirit and following him. That gift is absolutely the 2nd greatest gift our Father has given us (I wanted to say 1st but then he told me the Atonement is 1st ha). But With so many things this week I was able to see the spirit lead me and guide me to bless others. There is nothing that brings me more happiness than that. But it was really cool because really I am not anyone special but the spirit was able to lead us and guide us in what we needed to to with these missionaries. It was super cool and as we were humble and just followed the spirit the fruits were way better than I could have asked for. I got some weird impressions and I was afraid to follow them but when I did I was always blessed. I know that the Lord does lead us and guide us. That if we want to be a tool for him to bless others he will show us how and that as we follow always the guidance of the spirit the fruits will be so much better than anything else we could have done. Anyways I love you all so so much and I hope you look for that in every decision. What would the Lord have me do. I promise as you do you will be blessed and happier than any other way. Anyway have a great week! Love ya peeps :)
Monday, February 15, 2016
Man this week has been absolutely insane! So this past week we had a meeting called 3 day. So all of the leaders in the mission came down and we had meeting every day from 8-4. It is mostly pres and his wife giving trainings and some of the other leaders do stuff as well. It was amazing tho (it always is). We learned a lot and definitely got super uplifted. Everyone left feeling super inspired and ready to bless our little sheeps. But it was super fun having all the homies together. I know almost everyone in the mission now so its super fun to see them. Especially the leaders cuz we have been together a long time. O ya and we did a musical number with the president and his wife. It was so cool it was only the second time they have ever done something like that so everyone was shocked and loved it. We practiced at his house for like 45 minutes the night before and it was the best 45 minutes of my life. It was hilarious and we kept messing up and didnt know what to do etc. It was awesome to see them not in their president status. But also we all got to work with different guys too which was really fun. Then after I got to go back to Brownsville for a couple days! It was awesome I got to eat with one of my convert families. They are the missionaries best friends. They are that family that all the missionaries love and go eat there all the time so they are super solid. It made me happy to see that. They will be going to the temple in August so i will be there as well. But it was awesome to back down there I have missed it a lot. Honestly tho this week has been kind of a blur. We have been insanely busy getting all this stuff taken care of. But lots of fun with the peeps and we had some great moments helping out some missionaries. Those are the most rewarding moments in the mission :) But ya thats about it. I hope everyone else had a super good week. Remember to enjoy the little things! Life is crazy and hectic like this last week that i had but it was one of the funnest of my mission. Just look for the good in every moment and choose to be happy always. I love you all, have a great week :)
Monday, February 8, 2016
Whats up eryone!
I hope everyone had a great week and stayed warm. I have been freezing in the mornings its been getting down to the 40's ;) haha. The weather down here in the winter is incredible i love it. This past week was a blast. We had a couple baptisms it was incredible. One girl was interested because her friend was always so positive and happy and she wanted to know why. Well she has changed a ton and she feels it now. It has been great to watch her grow as she lives the gospel. The other is the daughter of a reactivated family. It is so cool to see them active and living normal gospel lives again. They are a wonderful family. Being at their baptism was so great and the spirit was very strong. We also had a meeting as a leadership and it was awesome to see the peeps. All the sisters that were in my district are now all leaders and there are lots of new ZL's so it was really fun to see everyone. After we went up to Laredo for a couple days. I have been dying to go up there and it was my 1st time. It was awesome! The atmosphere is really cool and it is exactly like Mexico ha. We had a really good time and went really hard at this soccer court. Ill send a pic it is total video game status, just super cool. Along side a bridge and its a hockey rink with goals and all that. Then we went over to Corpus after and i got to work in my old area! It felt amazing to be back up there i love that place. I got to see my RC family too. One daughter still hasnt gotten baptized but we had a great lesson and she is going down on the day of love! I am super excited!!! The mission has been going great just going around chilling with everyone. My comp is awesome too we are having a really good time together. Things are just wonderful tho. We are super blessed and I couldnt be happier about sharing the gospel with everyone. Joy level off the charts right now! Anyway I love you all so much and I hope that your next week goes better than mine. Good luck (Taken voice) ;) haha take care!
Monday, January 25, 2016
Man these weeks just keep flying by. It is the start of my 14th transfer which means i only have 3 left. Anyways this one is going to be even better than all the last ones. My new companion is Elder Ivey and he is a stud. I love the kid a lot I havent really been around him my whole mission so it has been fun getting to know him. I got a new assignment in McAllen and it has been crazy. This last week we were running around everywhere and I almost got to Laredo. I have been everwhere in the mission except Laredo and I have been dying to go up there. We only went up to Zapata but it was really cool. Ill get to go next week tho. Honestly other than that things have been the same. Just keeping busy trying to help my missionaries, investigators, and members. Getting to know a new area always takes a bit but our ward is super awesome here. We have two baptisms in the area I just left tomorrow and we are working for a miracle in our ward as well so that has been fun. It has been super cold down here this week. Its been in the 40's ;) haha.
I got some time I'll share a little something. This week a couple things have stood out to me a lot. First, the amount of trust that the Lord puts in us. Second, that he really does lead and inspire us in our callings. It is unreal to me to think that the Lord does not do much of the work himself. 99% of the time he does things through others. I know that he does this not because he has to or because it is easier for him. In fact I believe it is a lot harder and takes more effot to do things through others. But I know he does it because he loves us and wants us to grow and become like him. To me that is such a humbling thought. He does not need us for anything. But we all have been blessed with callings by him. He has chosen us to represent him in his work in that calling. He entrusts to us the salvation of his children. He could have anyone do it but he has specifically chosen you for your calling. We all have such a big blessing to learn and grow as we serve in whatever calling he gives us. I know we will be filled with joy as we serve those entrusted to us the best that we can. He will lead and guide us as we do so and all we need to worry about is being worthy and to do his will. I love him and you all so much and I hope that you all magnify your callings. I know that as you do so you will be a tool for the Lord and be able to bless the lives of others and your own as well. I love you all so much and I hope you have a wonderful week. Take care! :)
Monday, January 18, 2016
Alrighty this week has been crazy so im just going to hop into it. First, it was my b day! It was super fun we ate at Dennys and went bowling with the zone. I just a huge mordida (slam a cake in your face). Also i redeemed my last bowling score which was pretty bad so it was nice to get some b day luck ha. Then i had a massive meal with some recent converts it was a blast. Thanks everyone that sent me cards I really appreciate it! Its nice to feel cared about so thanks :) Also we did a zone exchange this week that was crazy. We had a goal in 1.5 days to set 64 baptismal dates with people. With day 1 we only had 20. But people went crazy the next day and we ended up with 69 set. It was a huge miracle and it was great to see the Lord execute his plan to raise everyones faith. We celebrated with a pancake party ha. Also we executed our crazy plan to help our leadership do better. We started our own mission haha. We are now the Mission Texas Mission! We called our DLs as ZLs and called new DLs and STLs and stuff. We made little zones and called an assistant AP (AAP). Anyway it sounds a little apostate but its not legit so its ok. The Lord gave us the plan and we are just going forward with faith trusting that it will work out. We already have seen wonderful results tho so we are excited. Anyway ya its been a crazy week. Doesnt sounds as crazy when you type it out ha but all this stuff has been insane. But ya the mission is still going great. We have lots of great members and investigators right now and we are just running around 24/7. My comp goes home next week so that has been fun keeping him alive. He is doing a good job at minimizing the truncky talk. Anyway i love you all a ton and hope you all have a boss week :) much love
Monday, January 11, 2016
My fellow Americans!
Another week down...time just keeps on going. This week was wonderful tho! So monday we had the other leaders come down and they worked with us it was super fun. Then tuesday we had a meeting and that was amazing as always. Thenwednesday we had interviews which was even better. Ha it was a pretty crazy week with meetings but that means it was a super good one. I love how the gospel gives you so much direction. I have so much to improve and change and it is so fun i love it. So many people here arent working towards anything its super sad to see. Thats why we are here tho :) Anyway the week was awesome we took so many steps forward and got so much work done. Also the Lord gave us some crazy revelation so we are going to apply it and see what happens. Its nuts ill explain next week but we are just moving forward on blind faith ha. Today is my birthday too so thats weird. We all ate breakfast together at Dennys it was fun and we are bowling in a bit then i get a couple parties with members. Members love throwing little parties on down here. Its like service to allow them to do it cuz it makes them so happy. So really im going over there to serve them and make them happy ;) my heart is in the right place ha. But ya we are just moving right along. Lots of progress was made this week and we will be having an insane week this week again we are excited. But i love everyone a ton! Thanks for the b day wishes! :) have a great week
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